Why Healthcare Infrastructure Should Switch to Linux and Open-Source Tech

Why Healthcare Infrastructure Should Switch to Linux and Open-Source Tech

Healthcare institutions depend on secure, efficient, and cost-effective IT infrastructure to manage patient data, medical devices, and operations. Linux and open-source technology provide a compelling solution to address cybersecurity threats, enhance system flexibility, and reduce high licensing costs.

This article explores why healthcare infrastructure should adopt Linux and open-source software (OSS), while also considering potential challenges and highlighting examples of successful implementation.

How Open source can Help Healthcare Services in Low-Resource Environment
Open source software is rapidly gaining ground as a cost-effective alternative to proprietary software. In developing countries with limited resources, open source software can be the key to improving healthcare services. In recent years, we have published several blog posts about open-source solutions that have gained a wide audience in

Cybersecurity Threats in Healthcare, and Why use Linux?

Healthcare has become an increasingly attractive target for cyberattacks. Data breaches can expose sensitive patient information, leading to severe financial and legal consequences. The 2017 WannaCry ransomware attack on the UK's National Health Service (NHS) exemplifies how such incidents can cripple medical services, rendering systems inoperable and compromising patient care.

Proprietary systems like Windows are often in the crosshairs due to their widespread use and well-known vulnerabilities.

Healthcare Institutions Face Cybersecurity Threats as They Move to Green Tech
Digitalization is ongoing since many decades in a lot of healthcare institutions. The more digitized a healthcare institution is, the more services and quality it can be provided to patients. This, however, means that medical data and transactions which once were offline, are now possibly accessible from anywhere on Earth.

In contrast, Linux and open-source technology offer robust security features and rapid patching cycles, effectively reducing the attack surface. Linux systems' architecture makes them inherently less susceptible to viruses and malware. Moreover, open-source software empowers IT teams to inspect, audit, and modify code swiftly to address vulnerabilities—a significant advantage over relying on proprietary vendors for updates.

Cybersecurity Tips For Healthcare Institutions
It’s become more important than ever for healthcare institutions to develop a cybersecurity strategy. Many aspects of healthcare are now conducted digitally - many organizations now offer telehealth services and store patient data on their servers. You’ll need to keep cybersecurity in mind across your entire organization to

Examples of Worst-Case Scenarios

  1. Ransomware Attacks: Healthcare organizations reliant on proprietary systems are vulnerable to ransomware attacks. The Dusseldorf University Hospital in Germany was forced to turn away patients after a ransomware attack, highlighting the serious consequences of insecure infrastructure.
  2. System Downtime: Proprietary software often requires costly licensing and restrictive contracts. Downtime for updates or maintenance can be extended if the vendor has a backlog, delaying critical healthcare services.
  3. Data Breaches: In 2020, more than 550 healthcare data breaches were reported in the U.S. alone, exposing the information of over 27 million patients. Proprietary systems that lack flexibility in patching or customization are more susceptible to these threats.
Why Linux is Better for HealthCare
Linux has been prevailing in many sectors, but one of the most demanded ones was health care. In health care, Linux provides an extremely valuable environment to host other software solutions on the top of it to truly empower the organization or company’s needs. The reason for that is quite

Benefits of Linux and Open-Source Technology in Healthcare

  1. Cost-Effective: Linux is free and open-source, eliminating licensing fees associated with proprietary systems like Windows or macOS. This frees up resources for more critical healthcare needs.
  2. Customizability: Open-source systems can be tailored to meet the specific needs of healthcare providers, including custom security configurations and integrations with specialized medical software.
  3. Security: With Linux and open-source solutions, healthcare institutions have full control over their system security. They can audit code, detect vulnerabilities early, and apply security patches without relying on a third-party vendor’s schedule.
  4. Reliability: Linux systems are known for stability and uptime, making them ideal for critical environments like healthcare, where downtime can have life-threatening consequences.
10 Open-source Free PACS Systems for Windows, Linux, macOS in 2024
In 2024, the availability of open-source PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) is transforming how hospitals and healthcare providers manage medical imaging. This post explores 10 of the best open-source PACS systems that are compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS, offering a comprehensive look at solutions that can enhance the

Challenges in Adopting Linux and Open-Source Tech

  1. Staff Training: Healthcare professionals and IT staff may require training to familiarize themselves with Linux and open-source tools, which can lead to initial inefficiencies.
  2. Vendor Lock-in: Many healthcare systems and electronic health records (EHR) solutions are built to run on proprietary platforms. Transitioning away from these could require reworking existing infrastructure, which can be time-consuming.
  3. Compatibility: Open-source software may not always be compatible with proprietary medical devices or software, necessitating customized solutions or workarounds.
  4. Perception: Many healthcare providers believe that proprietary systems are more reliable due to their market presence, which can create resistance to change.
Top 26 FREE & Open Source EMR - EHR for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX
Nowadays, EMRs are no longer considered a luxury. The hospitals and clinics with low budgets in rural or remote areas shall not fear any monetary requirements.

Successful Cases of Linux and Open-Source in Healthcare

  1. Medsphere and OpenVista: Medsphere developed OpenVista, an open-source Electronic Health Record (EHR) system based on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' VistA system. It has been successfully implemented in various healthcare settings, enhancing patient record management and care quality.
  2. French Hospitals Embrace Linux: Numerous French hospitals have transitioned to Linux-based systems, significantly reducing costs and bolstering security. This shift has allowed them to slash software expenses while adhering to strict healthcare regulations.
  3. Interoperability with Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS): Open-source tools like GNU Health, a comprehensive hospital management system, have been deployed across several developing countries. These implementations have streamlined patient care, hospital logistics, and administrative tasks, leading to more efficient resource management.

Open-Source Adoption in Healthcare: Medevel.com's Role

At Medevel.com, we showcase cutting-edge medical and educational open-source software. While we recognize the immense potential of open-source solutions in healthcare, we're also aware of the industry's slow adoption rate and its challenges.

Many healthcare institutions hesitate to make the switch, citing concerns about staff training, compatibility, and system migration. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that open-source tools are vital for building cost-effective, secure, and efficient healthcare systems.

We're dedicated to keeping our blog up-to-date with the latest open-source technologies, empowering healthcare decision-makers to make well-informed choices. Our team also provides consultation services to help you select and implement open-source solutions tailored to your workflow, ensuring your organization reaps the full benefits of open-source adoption.

At Medevel.com, we aim to bridge the gap between open-source technology and healthcare, making these powerful tools more accessible to institutions striving to enhance efficiency, bolster security, and improve patient care.


1. Why is Linux considered more secure for healthcare infrastructure?

Linux's architecture is inherently secure. Its open-source nature allows for swift identification and patching of vulnerabilities. The community-driven development process ensures rapid security updates, contrasting with proprietary systems that rely on vendor schedules.

2. What are the main challenges in transitioning from proprietary systems to open-source?

Key challenges include staff training, compatibility with existing proprietary software, and overcoming resistance due to perceived reliability concerns. However, a well-structured transition plan can effectively address these issues.

3. Can Linux-based systems manage large-scale healthcare operations?

Absolutely. Numerous healthcare institutions, including entire hospital networks, operate successfully on Linux-based infrastructure. OpenVista and GNU Health are prime examples of large-scale implementations.

4. Are there drawbacks to using open-source software in healthcare?

The primary drawbacks are the initial learning curve for staff and potential compatibility issues with proprietary medical devices or software.

However, once integrated, open-source solutions provide substantial flexibility, enhanced security, and cost benefits.

5 Most Suitable Linux Distributions for Doctors
Many health & IT professionals prefer to use operating systems other than Windows in order to do their daily jobs. There can be many reasons for that, such as not wanting to pay hundreds of dollars in licensing each year to Microsoft or simply reasons related to performance, security and efficiency.


The adoption of Linux and open-source technology offers healthcare infrastructure a secure, cost-effective, and flexible solution to modern challenges. While initial hurdles exist, the long-term benefits—enhanced security, increased adaptability, and significant cost savings—make it a compelling alternative to proprietary systems.

Successful implementations such as OpenVista and GNU Health demonstrate that open-source solutions are already revolutionizing healthcare operations worldwide.

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