Top Ingredients to Look for in a High-Stim Pre-Workout Formula

Top Ingredients to Look for in a High-Stim Pre-Workout Formula
Photo by Victor Freitas

There are plenty of high-stim pre-workout supplements on the market. We won't tout the benefits of using them. You probably already know. What you might not know, however, is the sort of ingredients that go into a good pre-workout formula. So, let's run you through them.

Do note that this is not a complete guide to all the ingredients you'll find in pre-workout supplements. That would be an impossible endeavor. It's just a guide to the most important.


Yes. We know that there are some pre-workout supplements without caffeine, but these are incredibly rare. Ask most people, and they'll tell you that caffeine is almost essential for a high stim pre-workout. In fact, it'll probably be the main ingredient in most products you buy.

Caffeine is the ingredient that will give you that quick burst of energy, plus also ensure that you have proper focus throughout your workout session.


Contrary to popular belief, lactic acid is a good thing when you're working out. It is the lactic acid that ensures that your muscles are being properly fueled when you're not getting enough oxygen into your system. The bad thing is having too much lactic acid. This is a condition called lactic acidosis, and it happens when you overwork yourself during your sessions. This can cause intense nausea and may even cause you to vomit. Obviously, neither will be a good thing. This is where beta-alanine comes in.

Beta-alanine boosts the production of a compound known as carnosine. The job of carnosine is to reduce the production of lactic acid, drastically reducing the chance of dealing with lactic acidosis.

When you take a pre-workout supplement for the first time, you might notice a tingling sensation. This is the beta-alanine at work. It can be a bit of an unpleasant feeling, but it'll pass. We promise.


Nearly all pre-workout supplements will contain citrulline (although it might have various different names). It is an essential ingredient when you're doing strength training, although it might also have a slight benefit for cardio. Citrulline is what is known as a vasodilator. This means that it helps to widen the blood vessels throughout your body, especially in your muscles. As this happens, your blood pressure falls. 

It also becomes a whole lot easier for blood to flow into your muscles. Blood that will be filled with oxygen and nutrients will be highly beneficial for your workout sessions.

Citrulline helps to boost muscle power, and even increase the length of your workout sessions. You'll probably notice the benefit right away. Many people that take pre-workout supplements call this the 'muscle pump'.

Betaine Anhydrous

You might not find this in all pre-workout supplements. When it is, it helps to boost muscle endurance. Again, this means that you'll be working out for longer and harder.


If you use workout supplements regularly, then you will have almost certainly have heard of creatine. Is the ultimate resource for your muscles. It helps to boost muscle endurance, power, and helps to bulk them out a little bit. Creatine might not benefit you massively during the workout session (although, there will be some benefits), but it'll have a massive benefit after.

Everybody that is serious about bulking up and boosting their strength needs to have creatine as part of their diet. You might as well get some through your pre-workout.


Evidence suggests that BCAAs will increase muscle protein synthesis, and help your muscles process glucose a little better. This can assist with lengthier workout session, especially hard cardio.

Other Ingredients

As all pre-workout supplements are different, you might find other ingredients in them. These ingredients are by no means essential, but can be useful:

  • Arginine: boosts muscle endurance, leading to longer workout sessions. Especially useful for cardio.
  • Tyrosine: boosts mental alertness and focus during sessions.
  • Taurine: can make it a little easier to stay hydrated while working out.
  • Theanine: boosts the impact of the caffeine.

Remember: while these ingredients are useful, the quality of the ingredient also matters. Make sure that you purchase quality workout supplements to ensure that you get the mot benefit during your workout sessions.

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