The Smart Potty Training App: Since When Toddler's Potty Training Needs Wi-Fi!

The Smart Potty Training App: Since When Toddler's Potty Training Needs Wi-Fi!
Photo by Jakub Kriz / Unsplash

As we live in a world where everything is “smart.” Smart toasters, smart mirrors, smart water bottles—because apparently, we need a reminder to drink water. But just when you thought the tech world couldn’t get any more absurd, along comes the Smart Potty Training App.

Yes, you read that right. Potty training has officially entered the digital age, and because nothing says “parenting done right” like an app that tracks your toddler’s bathroom performance, we now have a gadget that rewards your child’s bathroom breaks with stickers and ranks their progress in real-time.

Not Everything Needs to Be Smart! Enough Smart Things, Keep it Simple - The Need to Simplify Our Lives
We live in an era where everything, from your toothbrush to your trash can, is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). You might have heard the phrase “there’s an app for that,” but now it seems there’s a smart device for everything—whether it makes sense or not. In

What is the Smart Potty Training Seat?

The Smart Potty Training Seat, connected to an app (because of course, it is), tracks your toddler’s bathroom habits, monitors their progress, and hands out digital rewards like stickers to keep them motivated.

and It Syncs

It syncs all this precious data to your phone, so you can stay on top of your child’s potty journey like a hawk.

With Smart Notifications too

Forget asking your kid, “Did you go potty today?”—now you’ll get push notifications about it!

Because toddlers need one more thing ranking their progress in life—this time, by bowel movements.

The Features You Didn’t Know You Needed

The app comes with a whole range of “innovative” features that bring a level of complexity to potty training that no one asked for. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Progress Tracking:

Because there’s nothing like quantifying potty breaks. The app charts the time, frequency, and success rate of your toddler’s toilet trips. Want to know how many times your kid made a successful deposit yesterday? It is in the app.

Digital Rewards with Gamification (Toddlers Potty's Training Game)

Every successful bathroom visit earns your child a digital sticker. Because, let’s be real, toddlers are only doing this for the sweet digital bling.

Who needs real gold stars when you can have a sticker… on a screen?

Performance Insights

Ever wondered if your toddler is meeting the “potty milestones” like all the other kids? No worries—this app has detailed progress insights that will compare your child’s bathroom activities to others.

Because what could be more fun than comparing poop stats?

Scheduled Alerts and Notification

Tired of asking your child if they need to go? Well, the app will remind you when it's time for another attempt!

Now you won’t have to rely on that pesky intuition you’ve been using for generations. Trust the app, it knows better.

Parent-Child Competition (Potty's Training Championships)

Some versions of potty apps even feature games where kids can compete against their parents’ scores.

Yes, you heard right. Compete. Against. Your. Child. Guess what? Daddy wins today!

Not Everything Needs to Be Smart: The Case Against Unnecessary Tech Gadgets
As, we’re witnessing the incoming of more and more devices infused with smart features. As both a doctor and a software developer, I appreciate the innovation behind these advancements, but I can’t help but feel that not every gadget needs to be “smart.” When we try to squeeze

The Real Question: Is This Really Necessary?

Now, don't get me wrong—potty training is hard, and parents will take help wherever they can find it. But is this smart potty app really necessary?

The effort, the research, the development—couldn’t all that brainpower have gone into solving more pressing issues?

Like, I don’t know, an app to help diabetics manage their blood sugar, or one that supports kids with ADHD?

Imagine if the engineers and designers behind this smart potty tech directed their energy toward, say, creating a tool to help patients better manage chronic illnesses.

What if, instead of inventing a seat that tracks poops, they created something that could track insulin levels, help manage ADHD symptoms, or support mental health?

A World Full of Real Problems, But We're Tracking Poop?

As discussed in this post, Not everything needs to be smart. We are swamped with overcomplicated gadgets that solve non-problems, while actual global issues still go unresolved.

Tech companies are dedicating resources to build smart trash cans and smart egg trays (yes, those exist), while the open-source community struggles to find support for apps that could change lives—like software that helps cancer patients organize their treatment schedules, or tools for people living with disabilities.

In this case, we’ve somehow decided that an AI-powered toilet seat deserves our full attention, while the same level of creativity could be applied to something far more useful.

Maybe We Should Simplify, Just a Little

While I’m sure there’s a subset of parents that appreciate being able to rank their toddler’s bathroom progress, it does beg the question—do we really need it?

Sometimes, things don’t need to be “smart.” Maybe, instead of tracking bowel movements with an app, we should go back to basics. Praise your child in person, hand them a real sticker (remember those?), and enjoy the simplicity of a life not micromanaged by tech.

Do we really need our toddlers’ toilet habits to be stored in the cloud?

Sometimes, all we need is a little less tech and a little more common sense. Let's put our innovation to work where it’s really needed—and let toddlers potty train in peace, free from the app’s watchful eye.

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