Quick Tutorial: Setting Up NextAuth.js

Quick Tutorial: Setting Up NextAuth.js

Table of Content

NextAuth.js is a powerful authentication library for Next.js applications. It provides a simple and secure way to handle authentication.

NextAuth.js Features

  1. Built-in Providers:
    • Support for popular providers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and more.
    • Custom provider options for flexibility.
  2. JWT (JSON Web Tokens):
    • Secure token-based authentication.
    • Optional database sessions.
  3. Secure by Default:
    • CSRF protection.
    • Secure cookies.
    • HTTPS support.
  4. Database Support:
    • Compatible with multiple databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, etc.).
    • Prisma adapter for database management.
  5. Session Management:
    • Server-side and client-side session management.
    • Configurable session lifetimes.
  6. Callbacks:
    • Customizable callback functions for control over sign-in, session, and JWT behavior.
  7. Theming:
    • Customizable sign-in pages and styles.
  8. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
    • Support for MFA implementations.
  9. Internationalization (i18n):
    • Support for multiple languages and custom translations.
  10. Flexible Configuration:
    • Granular control over authentication and session behavior.
    • Environment variable support for secure configuration.
  11. API Routes:
    • Built-in API routes for authentication actions.
    • Extensible API endpoints.
  12. Community and Documentation:
    • Comprehensive documentation.
    • Active community support.

NextAuth.js offers a powerful and flexible authentication solution for Next.js applications, catering to a wide range of use cases and security requirements.

Here's a straightforward guide to get you started.

Setting Up NextAuth.js for Beginners

NextAuth.js simplifies authentication for Next.js apps. Here’s how to set it up quickly.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Run the following command to install NextAuth.js and its dependencies:

npm install next-auth @next-auth/prisma-adapter

Step 2: Configure NextAuth.js

Create [...nextauth].js in pages/api/auth and add your configuration:

// pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js
import NextAuth from 'next-auth';
import Providers from 'next-auth/providers';

export default NextAuth({
  providers: [
      clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
      clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
  database: process.env.DATABASE_URL,

Step 3: Set Environment Variables

Create a .env file in your project's root directory and add:


Step 4: Protect Pages

Use the useSession hook to protect your pages:

// pages/protected.js
import { useSession, signIn, signOut } from 'next-auth/client';

export default function ProtectedPage() {
  const [session, loading] = useSession();

  if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;

  if (!session) {
    return (
        <p>You are not signed in</p>
        <button onClick={signIn}>Sign in</button>

  return (
      <p>Welcome, {session.user.name}</p>
      <button onClick={signOut}>Sign out</button>

Step 5: Wrap Your App

In _app.js, wrap your app with the Provider:

// pages/_app.js
import { Provider } from 'next-auth/client';

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
    <Provider session={pageProps.session}>
      <Component {...pageProps} />

Final Step: Start Your App

Run your app:

npm run dev

Your Next.js app now has basic authentication with NextAuth.js. For more details, check out the NextAuth.js documentation.

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