Mint language, Write and Deploy your first Mint SPA app, Build a Todo List and Deploy to Vercel

A Beginner's Guide to Mint: Creating and Deploying a To-Do List App

Mint language, Write and Deploy your first Mint SPA app, Build a Todo List and Deploy to Vercel

What is Mint Language?

Mint is a programming language designed specifically for building single-page applications (SPAs). It aims to provide a seamless developer experience by integrating various aspects of front-end development into one language. With a strong type system, powerful abstractions, and an intuitive syntax, Mint reduces common issues found in other frameworks and languages.

Mint: A New Programming Language for Building Single Page Apps (SPAs)
Mint has all the tools you need to write error free, easily readable and maintainable applications in record time.

Key Features:

  • Type Safety: Ensures fewer runtime errors with a robust type system.
  • Reactivity: Simplifies state management with built-in reactivity.
  • Component-Based: Promotes reusable UI components.
  • Dependency Management: Comes with an integrated package manager.
  • Hot Module Replacement: Offers instant feedback during development.

Use-Cases for Mint

Mint is ideal for creating modern web applications that require dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Typical use-cases include:

  • Dashboards: For real-time data visualization and management.
  • E-commerce Platforms: To provide smooth and interactive shopping experiences.
  • Social Media Apps: To handle dynamic content and real-time updates.
  • Project Management Tools: For collaborative and interactive features.

Setting Up Mint


Ensure the following are installed on your system:

  • Node.js: v12 or higher
  • Git: Latest version

Installation Steps

Verify Installation: Confirm Mint is installed by running:

mint --version

Install Mint: Open your terminal and run:

npm install -g mint-lang

Building Your First Mint App: A To-Do List

Step 1: Create a New Project

Start Development Server: Start the Mint development server with:

mint start

This will open your new Mint app in the browser.

Initialize Project: Navigate to your desired directory in the terminal and run:

mint init my-todo-list-app
cd my-todo-list-app

Step 2: Understand Project Structure

  • src/: Contains your application source code.
  • src/ Entry point of your application.
  • src/Components/: Folder for reusable components.

Step 3: Create a To-Do List Component

  1. View Changes: Save your files and check the browser to see your To-Do List in action.

Use Component: Update src/ to use your new component:

component Main {
    fun render : Html {
        <TodoList />

Create Component: Create a new file src/Components/ and add the following code:

component TodoList {
    state items : Array(String) = []

    fun render : Html {
            <h1> "To-Do List" </h1>
            <input type="text" placeholder="Add new item..." on:input={updateItems} />
                { for item in state.items {
                    <li> { item } </li>
                } }

    fun updateItems (event : InputEvent) {
        let value =
        state.items = state.items ++ [value]

Deploying to Vercel

Step 1: Install Vercel CLI

Login to Vercel: Authenticate your Vercel account:

vercel login

Install CLI: Run the following command to install Vercel CLI globally:

npm install -g vercel

Step 2: Deploy Your App

  1. Follow Prompts: Follow the interactive prompts to complete the deployment process.

Deploy: Run the following command to deploy:


Build App: Ensure your app is built for production:

mint build --prod

Step 3: Access Your Deployed App

After deployment, Vercel will provide a URL where your app is live. Open this URL in your browser to see your Mint app in action.


Mint language offers a powerful and streamlined approach to building single-page applications with its strong type system and built-in reactivity. By following this guide, you can set up Mint, build your first To-Do List app, and deploy it to Vercel, making it accessible to users around the world.

For more information, visit the official Mint documentation.

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