Flask App Builder Is an Open Source Rapid Application Development for Flask Developers

Flask App Builder Is an Open Source Rapid Application Development for Flask Developers
Photo by Clément Hélardot / Unsplash

Flask is a strong lightweight yet simple Python framework for building fast web apps. Since it does not come stacked with full-stack options, many developers prefer Django and other framework for building their apps.

But this is about to change with this Flask RAD framework: Flask App Builder, that speed up your project production by offering dozens of ready tools and features for building enterprise apps.

Flask App Builder is a simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. It includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more.

The project is maintained and developed by a dozen of contributors who keep it update, and secure.

Primary features

  • Completely free and open-source.
  • Developer-friendly APIs.
  • Comprehensive documentation.
  • Simple configuration.
  • Automatic menu generation.
  • Automatic CRUD generation.
  • Multiple actions on db records.
  • Big variety of filters for your lists.
  • Various view widgets: lists, master-detail, list of thumbnails etc
  • Select2, Datepicker, DateTimePicker.
  • Google charts with automatic group by or direct values and filters.
  • Supports multiple languages out of the box.
  • Supports MongoDB.
  • Supports file and images upload.
  • i18n Translations.
  • Multiple database options.

Security features

  • Automatic permissions' lookup, based on exposed methods.
  • Inserts on the Database all the detailed permissions possible on your application.
  • Public (no authentication needed) and Private permissions.
  • Role based permissions.
  • Authentication support for OpenID, Database and LDAP.
  • Support for self user registration.

Form Generation

Automatic, Add, Edit and Show from Database Models.

  • Labels and descriptions for each field.
  • Automatic base validators from model's definition.
  • Custom validators, extra fields, custom filters for related dropdown lists.
  • Image and File support for upload and database field association
  • Field sets for Form's (Django style).


Flask App Builder is released as an open-source project under the BSD-3-Clause license.


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