Boost Your Productivity with Ferdium: The Ultimate Free Multi-service Tool

Boost Your Productivity with Ferdium: The Ultimate Free Multi-service Tool

Ferdium is an impressive desktop app that empowers you to stay organized and work with greater efficiency by consolidating all your favorite apps into a single application.

While Ferdium is built on the foundation of Franz, a messaging browser that integrates multiple messaging services, Ferdi goes above and beyond.

What can you do what Ferdium?

With Ferdium, you can access all your web apps in one convenient place, take advantage of features like "Find in Page" and "Quick Switch," enjoy Premium user benefits by default, and so much more! Not only does Ferdi support multiple accounts on any service, but it also offers full proxy support and is compatible across different platforms.

If you're seeking a vastly improved experience compared to Franz or simply desire a more efficient approach to using your apps and services, Ferdi is unquestionably the ideal choice.

Moreover, Ferdium seamlessly integrates with Franz, allowing for a smooth transition of your existing Franz account, should you have one.


  • Puts all your web apps into one
  • Native support for 100+ services
  • Todo-list
  • Github Support
  • Multiple workspaces
  • Separate workspaces
  • Support for multiple accounts on any service
  • Dark Mode on all services
  • Optional cloud sync
  • Better notification control
  • Cross-platform
  • Supports 20+ languages
  • Full proxy support
  • Process Manager
  • Shortcuts and menu options
  • Ferdi API
  • "Private Notification"-Mode
  • Password Lock feature
  • Add custom services
  • ...and many more!


  • Windows
  • Arch Linux
  • Linux Flatpak
  • Linux Snap
  • macOS Homebrew
  • Windows Scoop, Chocolatey, Winget
  • FreeBSD
  • Linux RPM
  • Debian


Resources & Downloads

Ferdium | The home for all your services
Introducing a great productivity tool to keep all messaging, productivity, and online services in one place
Download Ferdi for free. All your favorite services in one place. Ferdi is a desktop app that helps you get organized and work more efficiently by having all of your favorite apps in one application. Ferdi is based on Franz, a messaging browser that combines all messaging services into one application, but Ferdi offers a whole lot more.

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