Fast Image Resizer is a free app to edit mass images

Fast Image Resizer is a free app to edit mass images

Fast Image Resizer is a free and open-source Javafx application to resize images and add them into folders automatically.


  • Select the output directory, so you don't have to move the resized files.
  • Resize several images at once (Drag & Drop)
  • Select output densities (ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi).
  • Make a custom size using width and height.
  • Preserve the image format (jpg, png).
  • Select output directory (drawable or mipmap).
  • Delete the selected image or images.
  • Press to display the chosen image.
  • Show images' informational details (type - size - dimensions).


  • Windows
  • Linux
  • macOS

Resources & Downloads

Fast Image Resizer
Download Fast Image Resizer for free. Cross Platform application to resize images and add them into folders. Javafx application to resize images and add them into folders automatically. It is a powerful Cross-Platform tool for Android developers.

Open-source Apps


Medical Apps




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