CMS.js is a fully Client-side, JavaScript Markdown Site generator in the spirit of Jekyll that uses plain ol' HTML, CSS and JavaScript to generate your website.

CMS.js is like a file-based CMS. It takes your content, renders Markdown and delivers a complete website in Single-Page App fashion...without the aid of server-side scripting (no Node.js, PHP, Ruby, etc.).

Currently, CMS.js supports two website modes: Github Mode and Server Mode. Host your website on GitHub using GitHub Pages (similar to Jekyll) or use Server mode if you choose to self-host your content.


  • Zero dependencies
  • Abstract types
  • Custom Templates
  • Search, Filtering, Tagging and Sorting
  • GitHub & Server Mode
  • Extendable Markdown Renderer and Plugins
  • Minimal footprint - 10kb minified

Coming soon

  • Pagination
  • Template caching
  • Loader
  • CLI Utilities


CMS.js is released under the MIT License.
