Automatisch is a Self-hosted Free Zapier Alternative

Automatisch is a Self-hosted Free Zapier Alternative

🧐 Automatisch is a business automation tool that lets you connect different services like Twitter, Slack, and more to automate your business processes.

💸 Automating your workflows doesn't have to be a difficult or expensive process. You also don't need any programming knowledge to use Automatisch.

Top 11 Open-source Automation Solutions and Zapier/IFTTT alternatives
Many question in the automation world comes, the most question that comes up a lot more than any question is which tool should I use to automate my processes? The answer depends on what you are trying to do? But in general IFTTT is more for personal stuff and Zapier


There are other existing solutions in the market, like Zapier and Integromat, so you might be wondering why you should use Automatisch.

Own your Data

✅ One of the main benefits of using Automatisch is that it allows you to store your data on your own servers, which is essential for businesses that handle sensitive user information and cannot risk sharing it with external cloud services.

This is especially relevant for industries such as healthcare and finance, as well as for European companies that must adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


🤓 Your contributions are vital to the development of Automatisch. As an open-source software, anyone can have an impact on how it is being developed.

💙 No vendor lock-in.

If you ever decide that Automatisch is no longer helpful for your business, you can switch to any other provider, which will be easier than switching from the one cloud provider to another since you have all data and flexibility.


Automatisch Community Edition (Automatisch CE) is an open-source software with the AGPL-3.0 license.

Automatisch Enterprise Edition (Automatisch EE) is a commercial offering with the Enterprise license.

The Automatisch repository contains both AGPL-licensed and Enterprise-licensed files. We maintain a single repository to make development easier.

Resources & Downloads

GitHub - automatisch/automatisch: The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money.
The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money. - automatisch/automatisch

Open-source Apps


Medical Apps




Dev. Resources
