6 Coronavirus Outbreak Monitors and Trackers: Stay updated

6 Coronavirus Outbreak Monitors and Trackers: Stay updated

The Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak in China is becoming a global crisis, There are currently 2,091 confirmed cases worldwide, including 56 fatalities. There are confirmed cases in the USA, France, Nepal, Canada, Australia, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia.

We recommend watching this video as a brief introduction about Coronavirus:

The current real-time news source is Twitter, However, while it is a good source for news, it's difficult to manage or filter especially for non-technical users.

In this article, we will introduce several tools to help you keep updated about the Coronavirus outbreak. We are hoping it'll help people keep notified about any new cases in their countries and areas.

Here is how to keep track of this outbreak

1- healthmap.org


Our top pick is Healthmap.org, which is a very old project that tracks and monitors outbreak news from all over the world and place them on an interactive map. I have been using it for years now. It features an interactive map, a daily report, a widget for the outbreaks near the visitor as it asks for browser's location permission, time series, monthly filters and it allows users to add news as well.

2- Outbreaks Monitor

Outbreaks Monitor
Outbreaks Monitor

This is one of the best tools I use as a professional, but it's not for everyone. This project is up since 2007, despite the old non-responsive design, the project is fully functional and useful. It keeps tracks of all outbreaks around the world using multiple news sources. It has many tools but it's not easy to use as normal users can get lost between medical names and the design.

3- Wuhan Coronavirus monitory by  JHU CSSE

Wuhan Coronavirus monitory by JHU CSSE
Wuhan Coronavirus monitory by JHU CSSE

This a real-time interactive monitor built at The Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at JHU. It tracks 2019-nCoV spread in real-time for cases and locations. It displays the number of recovered cases, death, cases/ country, and cases/ cities.

It uses sources from WHO, CDC, NHC, and Dingxiangyuan. The data is available for download for free.

4- BNONews monitor; Stay-up-to-date

BNONews monitor; Stay-up-to-date
BNONews monitor; Stay-up-to-date

BNONews (Netherlands) editors have created a page dedicated to Coronavirus updates. It's a great effort that we didn't see much in most of the news platforms. We recommend their page as it provides a detailed update for cases/ city, cases/ country, and a timeline for events/ day. It also has an interactive map that displays cases all around the world.

We highly recommend this page for users all around the world to keep themselves updated and visit this page often to follow the outbreak.

5- The Contagion® Outbreak Monitor

The Contagion® Outbreak Monitor
The Contagion® Outbreak Monitor

The Contagion® Outbreak Monitor is a simple yet informative page that keeps track of outbreak cases around the world. It requests the user's location to create a location-aware  map around based on his location with alerts of there is any.

In the table just blew the map, there are rows of conformed cases of outbreaks/ cities, when clicking on "View Trend" you can get the latest updates about the outbreak in the city. It also displays the source

6- Twitter * TweetDeck

If you are using Twitter, Tweetdeck allows you to keep track of certain keywords

TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what’s happening now.
Tweetdeck #coronavirus monitor
Tweetdeck #coronavirus monitor 

We have created this page to keep track of the most important tweets for the outbreak.

More information

Here are some important links and resources to know more about the outbreak

We have created a quick Twitter monitor to get the most recent and popular tweets filtered every 5 mins.


We highly recommend BNONews monitor (#4), especially for non-professionals.  If you recommend any monitor or applications to be added to this list, please let us know through the contact page.

Open-source Apps


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