19 Open-source Free Gist Desktop Manager for Windows, Linux, and macOS
Table of Content
GitHub Gist is a web application that provides a platform for developers to share and collaborate on code snippets. It is an extension of GitHub, a popular code hosting and version control platform. With GitHub Gist, users can create and share code snippets, making it easier to collaborate with others and showcase their work.
Some key features of GitHub Gist include:
- Code sharing: GitHub Gist allows developers to create and share code snippets with others. These snippets can be shared publicly or privately, depending on the user's preference.
- Centralized storage: Gist provides a centralized location to store and organize code snippets. Developers can easily access and manage their snippets from anywhere.
- Version control: Just like with GitHub repositories, Gist provides version control functionality. Developers can track changes to their code snippets, view previous versions, and compare differences between versions.
- Syntax highlighting: Gist supports syntax highlighting for various programming languages, making it easier to read and understand code snippets.
- Embedding: Developers can easily embed Gist snippets into websites, blog posts, or other online platforms, allowing others to view and interact with the code.
- Commenting and feedback: Users can leave comments on Gist snippets, providing feedback, asking questions, or suggesting improvements. This fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing within the developer community.
- Integration: Gist seamlessly integrates with other GitHub features and tools, such as GitHub Desktop and GitHub Actions, enabling developers to incorporate their code snippets into their workflows.
GitHub Gist is widely used by developers to share code snippets, seek assistance, collaborate on projects, and showcase their coding skills. It provides a simple and efficient way to share code with others and engage in discussions about specific pieces of code.
In this post, you can find the best open-source GitHub Gist clients that you can use for free.
Gist is a tool called Lepton that allows you to store and manage code snippets. It provides a convenient way to organize and access your code snippets across different programming languages.
2- Gisto
Gisto is a similar tool to Gist, which allows you to store and manage code snippets. It offers features like syntax highlighting and sharing options, making it easier to organize and collaborate on your code snippets.
3- GitHub Gist
GitHub Gist is a web application that provides a platform for developers to share and collaborate on code snippets. It is an extension of GitHub, a popular code hosting and version control platform. With GitHub Gist, users can create and share code snippets, making it easier to collaborate with others and showcase their work.
4- Code Notes
Code Notes is a tool similar to Gist that allows you to store and manage code snippets. It is a personal knowledge management system for developers, providing a way to organize and search for code snippets, markdown notes, and more. With Code Notes, you can easily store and retrieve your code snippets, making it a convenient tool for developers to reference their past work and share knowledge.
5- CodeExpander
CodeExpander is a tool that allows you to create and expand custom abbreviations in any application. It provides a way to save time by automating repetitive typing tasks. With CodeExpander, you can define abbreviations for frequently used code snippets, text templates, and more, and expand them with just a few keystrokes. It is a useful tool for developers and anyone who wants to increase their productivity and efficiency in typing.
6- Gost (Go)
Gost is a tool developed by MaximeD on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about Gost. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
7- DevTop Essential
DevTop is a tool developed by zonayedpca on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about DevTop. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
8- Gistnote
GistNote is a tool developed by int128 on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about GistNote. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
9- node-gister
Node Gister is a tool developed by Aravind Balla on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about Node Gister. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
10- GistMate
GistMate is a tool developed by hash070 on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about GistMate. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
11- Gist Haskell
Simon Michael/gist is a tool developed by Simon Michael on GitHub. However, I couldn't find detailed information about Simon Michael/gist. It is recommended to visit the provided GitHub link for more information.
12- Fist Gist Uploader
Fist is a free and open-source fast & easy gist uploader script.
13- gist.sh
Bash shell script for getting/posting code snippets (gists) from/to.
14- pygist
Python command line client for gist.github.com.
15- gistp
Yet another command line client for gist using Perl. Posts a new (public or private) gist, then auto git clone to ~/gists.
16- Drift
Drift is a Gist-backed text editor written in MacRuby. Depending on how you look at it, it either lets you edit your gists, or gives you an always-already versioned, cloud-backed text-editor. Here's a screenshot:
- Create and upload new gists
- Edit and update existing gists (created with Drift)
- Store GitHub credentials
- Display activity when going over the wire to GitHub
- Copy gist url into clipboard on creation
17- Snippets to gist plugin
Snippets is a Mac OS X application to to manage - you guessed it right - short reusable pieces of computer source code, also known as snippets.
The Snippets application supports plugins to export code to other code repositories. Support for Pastie, Snipt and Snipplr is build in but I was still missing a GitHub gist export. I took a closer look at the existing 'scrippets' - Snippet's jargon for plugins - and hey, it's all familiar technologies like HTML, JavaScript and even Ruby. Cool! Let's make one myself!
18- VIM Gist
This is a free vimscript for gist.
19- gist.el EMACS for Gist
Yet another Emacs paste mode, this one for Gist.