Best 17 SaaS Starters for Startups (Laravel, PHP, Next.js and Node.js) [2024 Updated]

Best 17 SaaS Starters for Startups (Laravel, PHP, Next.js and Node.js) [2024 Updated]

Building a SaaS (Software as a Service) app can be a significant challenge for startups and agencies. SaaS starters offer a solution by providing essential components that speed up development and reduce costs.

What is a SaaS App?

A SaaS app is cloud-based software accessible through a web browser. Users subscribe to these services instead of installing software locally. Examples include tools for project management, CRM, and email marketing.

What is a SaaS Starter?

A SaaS starter is a pre-built package with key features like user authentication, subscription management, and billing. It serves as a foundation, allowing developers to focus on unique aspects of their product instead of building common features from scratch.

Benefits of Using SaaS Starters

  1. Speed: Get your product to market faster by starting with a solid foundation.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Save on development costs by avoiding the need to build standard features from scratch.
  3. Scalability: SaaS starters are designed to grow with your user base.
  4. Focus: Concentrate on developing the unique features that set your product apart.
  5. Support: Many SaaS starters come with community backing and regular updates.

Why SaaS Starters Work for Startups and Agencies

  1. Resource Management: Optimize limited resources by using ready-made components.
  2. Customization: Tailor the starter to meet specific needs without building from the ground up.
  3. MVP Development: Quickly develop and test a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  4. Growth Ready: Built to handle growth without requiring major changes.
  5. Ease of Use: Comprehensive documentation and community support make implementation straightforward.

SaaS starters provide startups and agencies with a practical way to accelerate development, save costs, and scale efficiently. Whether you're launching a new product or delivering a solution to a client, a SaaS starter can help you get there faster.

1. Wave (PHP - Laravel)

Wave is a streamlined SaaS starter kit built on Laravel, designed for developers who want to quickly launch and scale SaaS applications. It includes essential features like user authentication, subscription management with Stripe, customizable admin dashboards, and API support.

Wave’s clean, modular codebase allows Laravel developers to focus on building unique features while providing a solid foundation for user management, billing, and security.

It is a perfect choice for startups, agencies, or freelancers, Wave accelerates the development process without sacrificing flexibility or control.

Wave: Getting Your SaaS Development Started with Laravel
Wave is an open-source SaaS starter kit designed to make building SaaS applications with Laravel straightforward and efficient. It provides developers with a robust foundation to kickstart their projects without getting bogged down by repetitive tasks or complex configurations. Wave is a powerful tool for developers looking to streamline the

2. Next SaaS Starter (Next.js)

This is a free and open-source (MIT License) Next.js responsive landing page template for SaaS products made using JAMStack architecture.


  • ⚡ Next.js - React framework for static rendering
  • Best SEO setup - Meta Tags, JSON-LD and Open Graph Tags
  • Tina CMS integration - local & (optional) production CMS
  • Optimized for Web Vitals
  • TypeScript
  • Blog with MDX
  • Mailchimp Integration - for newsletters
  • Sendgrid Integration - for sending emails
  • Dark mode - and customizable themes!
  • No UI library - just styled components, so you don't have to learn any new syntax
  • One click deployment - with Vercel or any other serverless deployment environment
  • Eslint - with Next.js's recommended settings and imports sorting rule
  • Prettier
GitHub - Blazity/next-saas-starter: ⚡️ Free Next.js responsive landing page template for SaaS products made using JAMStack architecture.
⚡️ Free Next.js responsive landing page template for SaaS products made using JAMStack architecture. - Blazity/next-saas-starter

3. SaaS Starter Kit (Next.js)

Next.js-based SaaS starter kit saves you months of development by starting you off with all the features that are the same in every product, so you can focus on what makes your app unique.


  • Authentication: Pre-built authentication system with support for OAuth and SAML for secure user login.
  • Subscription Management: Integrated with Stripe for handling subscription billing and payment processes.
  • User Management: Full-featured user management, including roles, permissions, and team functionalities.
  • Audit Logs: Comprehensive audit logging to track user actions and system events.
  • Multi-Tenancy: Built-in support for multi-tenant applications, allowing you to manage multiple organizations within the same instance.
  • API Support: Well-documented APIs for extending and integrating with other services.
  • Webhooks: Built-in support for webhooks, enabling real-time event-driven communication.
  • GDPR Compliance: Features to help ensure your application is GDPR compliant, including data management and user consent tracking.
  • Docker support
  • Stripe integration for payment
  • PostgreSQL support
GitHub - boxyhq/saas-starter-kit: 🔥 Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with the Next.js SaaS boilerplate 🚀
🔥 Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with the Next.js SaaS boilerplate 🚀 - boxyhq/saas-starter-kit

4. Open SaaS

This is a free and open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven. It uses WASP a full-stack Node.js framework and Astro framework.


  • Authentication: Pre-built user authentication with email and password.
  • Payments: Integration with Stripe for managing subscriptions and payments.
  • User Management: Supports multi-tenancy, roles, and permissions.
  • API: Includes RESTful APIs for extending functionality.
  • CI/CD Ready: Configured for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Cron Jobs
  • Comes with Stripe, Plausible, Google Analytics, AWS S3, SendGrid, MailGun and several other services support
GitHub - wasp-lang/open-saas: A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven.
A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven. - wasp-lang/open-saas

5. SaaS Starter: A SvelteKit Boilerplate/Template

CMSaasStarter is a robust starter kit designed for building SaaS applications efficiently. It integrates critical features that cater to the foundational needs of a SaaS product, making it ideal for developers looking to jumpstart their projects without dealing with repetitive tasks.


  • User Authentication: Built-in system for user login and registration.
  • Subscription Management: Handles billing and subscription processes.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Manage user roles and permissions effectively.
  • API Ready: Pre-configured APIs for seamless integration.
  • Admin Dashboard: Includes a customizable admin panel for managing the application.
GitHub - CriticalMoments/CMSaasStarter: A modern SaaS template/boilerplate built with SvelteKit, Tailwind, and Supabase. Includes marketing page, blog, subscriptions, auth, user dashboard, user settings, pricing page, and more.
A modern SaaS template/boilerplate built with SvelteKit, Tailwind, and Supabase. Includes marketing page, blog, subscriptions, auth, user dashboard, user settings, pricing page, and more. - Critica…

6. Saas Starter Kit (Next.js)

Saas Starter Kit is a modern SAAS boilerplate. Save weeks of development time having standard SAAS features implemented for you, and start building your core app right away.


  • ✅ Admin Dashboard
  • ✅ Full Authentication, with Google Social Login
  • ✅ User Profile Management with Email and Username change
  • ✅ Open AI integration
  • ✅ Checkout Pages
  • ✅ Landing and Pricing Page template
  • ✅ Testing Setup with Playwright
  • ✅ CRUD operations
  • ✅ Stripe subscription payments
GitHub - Saas-Starter-Kit/Saas-Kit-prisma: 🚀A template for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with Reactjs, Nextjs, Prisma and OpenAI integration
🚀A template for building Software-as-Service (SAAS) apps with Reactjs, Nextjs, Prisma and OpenAI integration - Saas-Starter-Kit/Saas-Kit-prisma

7. Ruby on Rails SaaS Starter Template

The SaaS Starter kit by jshawl is a foundational setup for quickly launching SaaS applications. It provides essential features that streamline the development process, allowing developers to focus on building unique functionalities.

GitHub - jshawl/saas-starter: A starting point for new SaaS ventures
A starting point for new SaaS ventures. Contribute to jshawl/saas-starter development by creating an account on GitHub.

8. B2B SaaS Kit (Astro + React)

The B2B SaaS Kit is an open-source starter toolkit for developers looking to quickly stand up a SaaS product where the customer can be a team of users (i.e., a business).

The kit uses TypeScript, Astro, React, Tailwind CSS, and a number of third-party services that take care of essential, yet peripheral requirements, such as secrets management, user authentication, a database, product analytics, customer support, payments, and deployment infrastructure.

GitHub - fogbender/b2b-saaskit: B2B SaaS Starter Kit - create a B2B web app: quickly and for free
B2B SaaS Starter Kit - create a B2B web app: quickly and for free - fogbender/b2b-saaskit

9. Web SaaS Starter Kit - Node.js, Express

A boilerplate for any real world SaaS with features such as authentication, email service, etc.


  •  Signup and signin
  •  Session management
  •  Reset password
  •  Email notifications EmailService.sendEmail()
  •  Queues and jobs WorkerService.addJob
  •  Cron jobs WorkerService.addCronJob
  •  Single file to configure features(e.g. API keys, settings)
GitHub - makeitcount/saas-express-starter-kit: A boilerplate for any real world SaaS with features such as authentication, email service, etc.
A boilerplate for any real world SaaS with features such as authentication, email service, etc. - makeitcount/saas-express-starter-kit

10. SaaS Boilerplate (Next.js)

The SaaS Boilerplate by ixartz is a streamlined, production-ready template designed to help developers quickly launch SaaS applications.

It is built with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS, it provides a clean and efficient codebase that reduces the time and effort needed to build scalable SaaS platforms.

The boilerplate is ideal for developers who want to jumpstart their projects with a well-organized, modern stack, allowing them to focus on core functionalities rather than setup and configuration.


  • 🔒 Authentication with Clerk: Sign up, Sign in, Sign out, Forgot password, Reset password, and more.
  • 👤 Passwordless Authentication with Magic Links, Multi-Factor Auth (MFA), Social Auth (Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Apple, and more), Passwordless login with Passkeys, User Impersonation
  • 👥 Multi-tenancy & team support: create, switch, update organization and invite team members
  • 📝 Role-based access control and permissions
  • 👤 Multi-Factor Auth (MFA), Social Auth (Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Apple, and more), User Impersonation
  • 📦 Type-safe ORM with DrizzleORM, compatible with PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL
  • 🌐 Multi-language (i18n) with next-intl and Crowdin
  • ♻️ Type-safe environment variables with T3 Env
  • ⌨️ Form with React Hook Form
  • 🔴 Validation library with Zod
  • 📏 Linter with ESLint (default NextJS, NextJS Core Web Vitals, Tailwind CSS and Airbnb configuration)
  • 💖 Code Formatter with Prettier
  • 🦊 Husky for Git Hooks
  • 🚫 Lint-staged for running linters on Git staged files
  • 🚓 Lint git commit with Commitlint
  • 📓 Write standard compliant commit messages with Commitizen
  • 🦺 Unit Testing with Vitest and React Testing Library
  • 🧪 Integration and E2E Testing with Playwright
  • 👷 Run tests on pull request with GitHub Actions
  • 🎉 Storybook for UI development
  • 🚨 Error Monitoring with Sentry
  • ☂️ Code coverage with Codecov
  • 📝 Logging with Pino.js and Log Management with Better Stack
  • 🖥️ Monitoring as Code with Checkly
  • 🎁 Automatic changelog generation with Semantic Release
  • 🔍 Visual testing with Percy (Optional)
  • 💡 Absolute Imports using @ prefix
  • 🗂 VSCode configuration: Debug, Settings, Tasks and Extensions
  • 🤖 SEO metadata, JSON-LD and Open Graph tags
  • 🗺️ Sitemap.xml and robots.txt
  • ⌘ Database exploration with Drizzle Studio and CLI migration tool with Drizzle Kit
  • ⚙️ Bundler Analyzer
  • 🌈 Include a FREE minimalist theme
  • 💯 Maximize lighthouse score
GitHub - ixartz/SaaS-Boilerplate: 🚀🎉📚 SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. ⚡️ Full-stack React application with Auth, Multi-tenancy, Roles & Permissions, i18n, Landing Page, DB, Logging, Testing
🚀🎉📚 SaaS Boilerplate built with Next.js + Tailwind CSS + Shadcn UI + TypeScript. ⚡️ Full-stack React application with Auth, Multi-tenancy, Roles & Permissions, i18n, Landing Page, DB, Logging,…

11. Electrik (Laravel)

Electrik is a robust, fully-featured open-source starter kit designed to accelerate the development of your next SaaS application.

The project is built on Laravel and enhanced with Livewire, Tailwind CSS, and the custom Electrik Slate UI, it offers a ready-to-use foundation for SaaS platforms with a focus on ease of use and extensibility.


  • Headless CMS: Decoupled content management, allowing flexibility in front-end development.
  • GraphQL API: Provides a GraphQL API for efficient data querying and manipulation.
  • Customizable UI: Fully customizable admin interface tailored to your needs.
  • Authentication: Built-in user authentication and authorization.
  • Multi-Language Support: Supports content in multiple languages.
  • Extensible Plugin System: Allows for the addition of custom functionality via plugins.
  • Static Site Generation: Optimized for generating static sites from dynamic content.
GitHub - electrikhq/electrik: Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application. - electrikhq/electrik

12. Super SAAS Template (Laravel)

Super SaaS is a versatile SaaS starter kit designed to help developers quickly launch scalable SaaS applications. It comes with built-in tools and configurations that reduce the development time and effort required to build a fully functional SaaS product.


  • Laravel 8
  • Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + VueI18n + ESlint
  • Pages with dynamic import and custom layouts
  • Login, register, email verification and password reset
  • Authentication with JWT
  • Socialite integration
  • TailwindCSS v2
  • Multiple Front-end components (forms, buttons, nav)
  • Welcome Page
  • Pricing Page
  • Admin space with user impersonation
GitHub - JhumanJ/super-saas: A Laravel-Vue-Tailwind SAAS Starter Kit.
A Laravel-Vue-Tailwind SAAS Starter Kit. Contribute to JhumanJ/super-saas development by creating an account on GitHub.

13. SaaS Boilerplate (Laravel)

This is a SaaS boilerplate built on top of the Laravel framework. Built to provide developers with a template to kickoff their SaaS application, without the hustle for repetitive tasks such as user account setup, subscriptions and role management.


  • User Authentication: Secure authentication system with login, registration, and password reset.
  • Subscription Management: Integrated Stripe for handling billing and subscriptions.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Manage user permissions with role-based access.
  • API Support: Built-in REST API for extending the application's functionality.
  • Admin Dashboard: Comprehensive admin panel for managing users, roles, and subscriptions.
  • Multi-Tenancy: Support for multi-tenant applications.
  • Email Notifications: Configurable email notifications system.
GitHub - miracuthbert/saas-boilerplate: SaaS boilerplate built in Laravel, Bootstrap 4 and VueJs.
SaaS boilerplate built in Laravel, Bootstrap 4 and VueJs. - miracuthbert/saas-boilerplate

14. Parthenon (Symfony - PHP)

Parthenon is a collection of modules that will add common functionalities to a Symfony application.

It’s been built after years of managing and maintaining Symfony applications and seeing companies spend the majority of their development budget on solving the same problems as everyone else and not being able to focus on what made them great.


  • Authentication & Authorization: Secure user login, registration, and role-based access control.
  • Subscription Management: Built-in support for managing subscriptions and payments.
  • Multi-Tenancy: Supports multiple tenants with isolated data environments.
  • Admin Panel: Comprehensive admin interface for managing users, roles, and application settings.
  • API & Webhooks: Ready-to-use APIs and webhook integrations.
  • Email Notifications: Configurable email system for user notifications.
  • Content Management: Tools for managing content and media.
Parthenon The Symfony SaaS Boilerplate | Parthenon The Symfony SaaS Boilerplate
Parthenon - The Symfony Saas Boilerplate

15. Go SaaS KIT

Go-SaaS Kit is a powerful framework that accelerates the development of SaaS applications, making it easier to implement core functionalities without starting from scratch. With its modular design, you can customize and extend the kit to fit your specific needs, ensuring your application scales effectively as your user base grows.


  • Multi-Tenancy: Easily manage multiple tenants with isolated data.
  • User Authentication & Authorization: Secure user login and role-based access control.
  • API Gateway: Built-in API gateway for managing and routing API requests.
  • Billing & Subscription: Integrated billing system for managing payments and subscriptions.
  • Event-Driven Architecture: Supports event-driven design for scalable and responsive applications.
  • Customizable Admin Panel: Admin interface for managing tenants, users, and application settings.
  • Monitoring & Logging: Integrated tools for application monitoring and logging.
Full-featured open source SAAS starter kit

16. Nextacular (Next.js)

Nextacular is a SaaS starter kit designed to simplify the process of building SaaS applications with Next.js. It provides a robust foundation for developers, combining modern technologies with best practices to accelerate development and ensure scalability.


  • Teams & Workspaces
  • Authentication: Secure user authentication and authorization.
  • Multi-Tenancy: Built-in support for managing multiple tenants.
  • Simple Design Components
  • Subscription Management: Integrated billing and subscription features.
  • API Ready: Pre-configured API routes for extending functionality.
  • Customizable UI: Easily customizable interface with Tailwind CSS.
  • Admin Dashboard: Comprehensive admin panel for managing users and settings.
  • SEO
  • Email Handling
  • Stripe integration
  • ORM and Prisma support
Nextacular - Build Modern Next.JS SaaS Products
A modern full-stack Next.JS, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma boilerplate that allows you to build SaaS products in record time. Packaged with minimum SaaS features.

17. SaaSGear

SaaSGear is a robust SaaS starter kit designed to accelerate the development of SaaS applications.

SaaSGear is a built with modern technologies like Next.js and Tailwind CSS, it offers a scalable and customizable foundation. SaasGear includes essential features like authentication, subscription management, multi-tenancy, and an admin dashboard, making it easier for developers to launch and manage SaaS products efficiently.

It’s ideal for developers looking to reduce setup time and focus on building unique features.


  • ReactJS: High-performance and powerful interactive UI with React.
  • GraphQL API: Fetching all the data you need with a single API call using GraphQL. Multiple GraphQL is merged in a single request.
  • Subscription payments: We have integrated Stripe subscription payments to allow you to monetize your SaaS.
  • Teams: Your users are able to invite their teammates to their account.
  • Roles and Permissions: Your users are only able to access the data and perform the actions that are allowed within their roles and permissions.
  • Authentication: User authentication with email and password, or via Google, Github, Facebook. Signup, login, reset password are included out of the box.
  • Cross-browsers and mobile responsiveness: Every single components have been tested across many different browsers and devices to make sure it works every where.
  • HTML Emails: Send beautiful and responsive HTML emails to your customers with SendGrid and MJML.
  • Easy to upgrade: Easy release is planned and tailored carefully to make sure your upgrade experience smooth and painless.
GitHub - JSLancerTeam/saasgear: ReactJS and NodeJS SaaS boilerplate for your next SaaS application 🔜🔛🔝
ReactJS and NodeJS SaaS boilerplate for your next SaaS application 🔜🔛🔝 - JSLancerTeam/saasgear

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