15 Free and Open-source Laravel Dashboards To Boost Up Your Production
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What is Laravel?
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It is designed for building web applications with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. Laravel is written in PHP and is based on the Symfony framework.
Laravel features include:
- Routing: Laravel's routing system allows developers to define clean and elegant URLs for their web applications.
- Blade Templating Engine: Laravel's Blade templating engine makes it easy to create reusable templates with clear and concise syntax.
- Eloquent ORM: Laravel's Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) provides an easy and intuitive way to interact with databases.
- Artisan CLI: Laravel's Artisan command-line interface provides a number of helpful commands for developers, including database migrations, seeding, and more.
Laravel has a strong and active community, with a large number of third-party packages available through Composer. It is a popular choice for building web applications due to its ease of use, robust features, and scalability.
Laravel framework for startups
Laravel is a great choice for startups looking to quickly develop and deploy their web applications. Its elegant syntax and powerful features allow for rapid development and easy scaling as the business grows.
Laravel's strong community and vast package ecosystem provide a wealth of resources for startups looking to build their web applications on a solid foundation. With Laravel, startups can focus on their business goals and let the framework handle the technical details.
In this post we offer you a list of the best open-source and free Laravel dashboard projects, that you can use in your personal and commercial projects.
Open-source free Laravel Dashboard and Control Panel
1- Laravel Dashboard engine powered by Livewire
This open-source project enables Laravel developers to create beautiful dashboards. The dashboard consists of tile which are, under the hood, Livewire components that can update themselves via polling.
2- Volt Dashboard Laravel
Volt Dashboard Laravel features dozens of handcrafted UI elements tailored for Bootstrap 5 and an out-of-the-box Laravel backend. The Livewire integration allows you to build dynamic interfaces easier without leaving the comfort of your favorite framework. If you combine this even further with Alpine.js, you get the perfect combo for your next big project.
This dashboard includes:
- 100+ handcrafted UI components tailored for Bootstrap 5 with Vanilla JS. This means buttons, alerts, modals, date pickers and everything in between
- 11 example pages to get you started
- 3 lightweight plugins: date picker, notification and charts library
- Sass files & Gulp commands
- fully-functional authentication system, register, and user profile editing features built with Laravel
- Livewire & Alpine.js integration
3- CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template
CoreUI is meant to be the UX game changer. Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer an ultimate user experience. This means mobile devices also, where the navigation is just as easy and intuitive as on a desktop or laptop. The CoreUI Layout API lets you customize your project for almost any device – be it Mobile, Web or WebApp – CoreUI covers them all!
3- Laravel Dashboard
Spatie Laravel Dashboard using Livewire and package components. This example has all settings extended to the dashboard.php config file and the .env file. This example uses minimal styling and customization. It is released under the MIT license.
4- Hope UI Free Open Source Bootstrap 5 Design System
Hope UI – free open source Bootstrap Design System is a gorgeously built UI kit based on bootstrap 5. The best free Bootstrap 5 design system is fully responsive and user-friendly, allowing Hope UI users to work effortlessly. Being easily adaptable and flexible, Hope UI can be a go-to design system for the developer out there.
Hope UI dashboard features:
- Support with bootstrap 5
- SCSS component based design
- Fully Responsive
- Clean Code
- Demo Pages
- Color Mode
- Working auth page
- Direction Mode
- Layout Setting
- 30+ Menu Styles
- Developer friendly documentation
- Easy to customize
5- Free Libre Arabic and RTL Laravel Dashboard
Simple Arabic Laravel Dashboard, has basic settings and a nice layout to make it easy for you to create fast dashboard. It includes dozens of features and pages as well as a highly customizable options.
6- Bootstrap Admin Panel with Laravel 10
✔️ Bootstrap Admin Panel (This is new version of bap with simple update and installation.)
7- L-admin v3 (HMVC)
L-Admin is a Laravel administration package that allows web developers to quickly create an admin panel for their website. The package includes features such as user management, access control management, task management, file management, email management, and many more.
The package is designed to save time and effort in building an admin panel and allows developers to focus on building the core features of their web application.
8- Voyager The Missing Laravel Admin
Laravel Admin & BREAD System (Browse, Read, Edit, Add, & Delete), supporting Laravel 8 and newer!
9- Soft UI Dashboard Laravel
Soft UI Dashboard Laravel - Free full stack dashboard app that comes with dozens of handcrafted UI elements tailored for Bootstrap 5 and an out-of-the-box Laravel backend.
10- Laravel Admin
is administrative interface builder for Laravel which can help you build CRUD backends just with few lines of code.
11- Basic Laravel Admin Panel
This package is a basic and simple admin panel for Laravel projects.
12- WWM Laravel Admin
This admin package provides a quick start to Laravel projects it's using Laravel 8.x version.
This package formerly known as Laflux platform, this can be considered as upgrade to the Laflux platform as well. This package provides a permission manager as well for FREE. It is released under the MIT license.
WWM Laravel Admin Features
- Admin Module with separate Auth Guard, so you can manage front and back end session separately.
- Access control logic is included
- User Management
- Groups/Roles Management
- Basic Site Profile and Metadata details
13- Star Admin Free Laravel Admin Template
Star Admin Laravel Admin Template is a free admin template based on Bootstrap 4 and Laravel.
This is a completely responsive and mobile-first admin template that provides a great foundation for your Bootstrap + Laravel project.
This remarkably flexible and highly customizable template helps you create an amazing UI for your admin panel.
14- EasyPanel
EasyPanel is a beautiful, customizable and flexible admin panel based on Livewire for Laravel.
EasyPanel features:
- Easy to install 🚀
- Multi Language
- A tons of features for Fields & Inputs
- RTL and LTR style
- Support CKEditor and Persian Font for RTL mode
- CRUD Maker GUI! 💡
- Everything is customizable
- A beautiful UI/UX with AdminMart template
- UserProviders and Authentication classes are customizable and you can change them
- Real time validation with Livewire 🚦
- Control your admins using ACL System in GUI.
15- Sneat - Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Template
Sneat Laravel Dashboard is a stunning Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Dashboard Template built for developers!